

Gadyrly müşderiler,

1-nji oktýabr Hytaýyň milli güni hökmünde ykrar edildi.PCB ShinTech ekipa .ynyň hemmesi 4 günlük dynç alar.

The holiday will begin on 1st and end on 4th, October. During the holiday, Inquries of PCB and PCB assembly quotations and orders can be sent to as usual, while, PCB&PCBA manufacturing and delivery will be a little delayed and all will back to normal on 5th, October. Your orders will be shipped in order on that day. Please contact us in advance if you have any expedited order demand.

Islendik sorag üçin, bize ýüz tutup bilersiňiz: +8613403714229

Okanyňyz üçin sag boluň.

PCB ShinTech-iň işgärleri

Iş wagty: 24-2021-nji sentýabr

Göni söhbetdeşlikOnlaýn hünärmenSorag ber
